Middle Sister's thoughts...

Old Friends, New Beginnings

Today I met up with an old friend, someone I haven’t seen in six years. Now, I never had many girlfriends growing up, I was one of those “all guy friends” type gals. Except for my one beautiful friend Margaret. Margaret and I have been friends since we were kids; living states apart, we don’t see each other very often, but every time we do we pick back up right where we left off. Those types of friends are priceless, and hard to come by. The bond with that person is an instant connection that grows stronger every time you are around them, in the most healthy and beautiful way. I cherish the friendship I have with her.

Today I was lucky enough to discover that is the type of bond I have with Rae, my old friend. We met ages ago in the military, both the same age, both similar mindsets, both incredibly awkward. I was her support; I gave her the ability to trust and have someone to lean on. She was my open book; she taught my sweet, innocent, sheltered self everything I needed to know about sex…what can I say, sex isn’t really covered when you’re homeschooled and conservative. She also opened the door for me to learn how to love myself and reward myself for my hard work. We were each other’s wingmen. Unfortunately, our time together was short, and we went our separate ways after spending every day together for a year and a half. Seeing her today, it’s like nothing changed. I now cherish this friendship as well.

It’s funny how life gives and takes, how things seem to come full circle if you just give yourself time and allow entry to the good and accept the bad that you can’t change. A few months ago I lost my friend of five years…a friend I met shortly after Rae and I went our separate ways. Recently I have been in a place where I feel like I have been losing all of my friends, struggling with family relationships, and feeling a loss for humanity. I don’t know how much lower I could have gone, but to have this relationship back in my world after all these years and be able to pick up right where we left off is a beautiful thing. I am thankful for the hope this brought out of my despair. Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the reality is you’re likely too deep into the tunnel at that moment, and the harder you push through to make your way out, the closer towards the light you’ll come.

Rae and I already have plans for next week, which is giving me something to look forward to. I am excited to have her back in my life, if only for a season again. I hope to not only get some encouragement and motivation from her (she is prrroobbaaabbllyy the most motivated person I know), but I am also hoping to be a support to her again. Relationships are not just about you and what you can get from them, it’s more about what you can give to the other person. Through your giving you’ll learn to grow and appreciate yourself and others. Here’s to good friends and healthy relationships!

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