• Give Grace and Practice Patience

    I was on my way to meet a friend for some fondue earlier today. I was running a little late since I hadn’t factored in traffic towards the city. When I got to the light, there was only one car in front of me. I followed it to the toll ahead where there were two lanes: one to use with a pass, and one with a pass or coins. We were both in the lane to go to the pass/coin lane, so I stuck with it thinking no one does the coins anyway. Well, the car in front of me came to a complete stop at the toll gate. I…

  • Old Friends, New Beginnings

    Today I met up with an old friend, someone I haven’t seen in six years. Now, I never had many girlfriends growing up, I was one of those “all guy friends” type gals. Except for my one beautiful friend Margaret. Margaret and I have been friends since we were kids; living states apart, we don’t see each other very often, but every time we do we pick back up right where we left off. Those types of friends are priceless, and hard to come by. The bond with that person is an instant connection that grows stronger every time you are around them, in the most healthy and beautiful way.…

  • Not All Friends are Forever

    Recently I lost my best friend…not by death, but by choice. His choice. His reasoning? The bottom line was the perception other people had of our friendship. It seemed like it mattered more what other people saw and thought than what he and I did, or God. We were best friends for almost five years, we did everything together. We talked all the time, we argued some of the time, but we were able to come back from an argument or disagreement by simply respecting the other person and their views (once the emotions settled of course). Our friendship was an easy one, maybe it was too easy. I am…