Little Sister's thoughts...

  • Big Purchases

    It may be the gloomy weather talking, but my life is in shambles! The mental to-do lists and rants that go on inside of my brain are bogging me down. My husband went back to working 12 hours 7 days a week on Valentine’s Day. It’s definitely been a learning curve navigating home life without him here 24/7. Being overwhelmed is normal, but now there’s so much more to think about, things like: What’s the next step with my 4-year old’s school? He can identify half the alphabet and knows all his sight words and 20 some dinosaur names! Why can’t I remember how to potty train? Why is my…

  • On My Own Again

    Today I realized my husband is going back to work in 2 weeks. He’s been home, off work, since November 24th. He was such a great stay-at-home dad and is such a big help during the day with the kids and housework! It’s kind of daunting to think of being the only parent home with the kids 90% of the time. I’m not sure how I will guggle it all, I’m honestly not sure how I ever did to begin with!  I’m wondering how it will affect my business, if I will have to take a break from taking orders or not. It would be pretty disappointing if I do…

  • New Appreciations

    The past few days, a new appreciation has formed for my husband. Obviously, I’ve always appreciated him, but things have happened with people in our lives, recently, that makes me grateful that we don’t have that type of drama in our lives. I’m grateful for the little things that are supposed to be a given in a relationship.  Like using words when we are angry and not our hands. Like communicating when we feel sad instead of bottling it up until we explode. Like caring for each other even if we don’t particularly like each other. Like loving each other even when we’re not IN LOVE with each other. Like…

  • Restless Nights

    It’s 1am and my daughter is currently talking herself back to sleep. She was an AMAZING sleeper since the second day of her life. She slept from 10pm to 5am, drank a bottle and went right back to sleep until 8am. It was glorious! But we traveled to New Hampshire for a month and the unfamiliar house, crib, noises, etc. made her wake several times during the night. When we got back, she slept like she used to for 2 nights. I was so excited thinking she was back to her old routine. But then she got sick. The stuffy/ runny nose, the sore thought, the neediness all had her…

  • Blood Is Thicker Than Water

    I’ve been super emotionally exhausted lately. Between a few extra arguments with my husband and random hate from certain people, it’s emotionally draining. I’ve been the person that doesn’t care what people think, but family is different. Family’s views of me always mattered to me. It was always said, “Family is always there”, “Blood is thicker than water”, “Family is most important” yada, yada, yada… There was always guilt when I favored a friend’s love over a family member’s love. However, in my adulthood, I learned the real meaning of “blood is thicker than water.” People use it to say, “family bonds are more important than bonds created with others.…

  • Stress and Strains

    I’m sitting here with my morning coffee and my daughter is napping and my son is so cute doing his school. I should be starting the morning, relaxing and waking up. But I’m already wide awake and nothing about my life is relaxing right now. I’ve been awake since 1am because Alice decided to start screaming and nothing could console her. She had me, brandon and connor all awake and none of us were happy. As always, the boys fell back asleep right away and i was left up till 3am listening to her cry.  So my stress levels are through the roof and my fuse is so freaking short.…