Little Sister's thoughts...

Restless Nights

It’s 1am and my daughter is currently talking herself back to sleep. She was an AMAZING sleeper since the second day of her life. She slept from 10pm to 5am, drank a bottle and went right back to sleep until 8am. It was glorious! But we traveled to New Hampshire for a month and the unfamiliar house, crib, noises, etc. made her wake several times during the night. When we got back, she slept like she used to for 2 nights. I was so excited thinking she was back to her old routine. But then she got sick. The stuffy/ runny nose, the sore thought, the neediness all had her awake several times. She’s better now and she just turned 8 months old. I KNOW she doesn’t need 3 bottles during the night because when she was 2 days old, she only needed one! MOMMA’S HAD ENOUGH! I’m tired! 

She sleeps in her crib in our room because we are scrunched up in a 2-bedroom apartment. I’ve tried letting her cry it out before but if she cries long enough, she wakes up my husband and my 4-year-old so eventually I have to give into her cries to save my sanity. 

Tonight feels different. I had WAY too much coffee earlier in the day, so I was having trouble sleeping anyway. When she woke up cooing and babbling, I figured, “hey she’s not crying. I’ll just leave the room and let her talk herself back to sleep.” We’ll see.
20 minutes later, she’s starting to cry. I wish we had an extra room so this wouldn’t be so hard.

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