Little Sister's thoughts...

New Appreciations

The past few days, a new appreciation has formed for my husband. Obviously, I’ve always appreciated him, but things have happened with people in our lives, recently, that makes me grateful that we don’t have that type of drama in our lives. I’m grateful for the little things that are supposed to be a given in a relationship. 

Like using words when we are angry and not our hands.

Like communicating when we feel sad instead of bottling it up until we explode.

Like caring for each other even if we don’t particularly like each other.

Like loving each other even when we’re not IN LOVE with each other.

Like staying faithful even though we’re both extremely attractive and could be selfish if we wanted to.

Communication, Respect, Faithfulness, and Love. That’s what’s been on my mind lately and I’m so grateful my husband and I have those things in our relationship.

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