• Boundaries

    The word “boundaries” used to make me feel uneasy. I assumed it would be bring about certain confrontation. Establishing healthy boundaries was something I didn’t know how to do until my mid-30’s. I thought, “If I put my foot down about this and makes them uncomfortable, then I shouldn’t be doing it.” I know exactly where that framework in my mind came from, but that’s another story for another time. In a nut-shell… I think I am a people pleaser at heart. I like seeing people happy and getting along. There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to help others and make those around you happy. But, there was a huge…

  • Pumpkin Pie Martinis

    Pumpkin pie martinis are a huge hit around the holidays for me and my bestie! It’s a great way to use up left over canned pumpkin that might be in your fridge. These fun martini glasses are on my wish list!

  • “Hi, I’m New Here!”

    I guess I always imagined a “playdate” as an awkward few hours of the moms sitting around chatting about surface-ey topics while the children ran around like the crazy, small humans that they are. How I have avoided the dreaded play date for six and a half years as a mom… I have no idea. But, alas, I have succumbed to scheduling one… and I have already come up with about seven different ways to cancel as the time gets closer. Anxiety heightens and insecurities soar as I mentally prepare a list of “acceptable” topic subjects. I’m more of a dive-right-in-and-if-they-don’t-like-me-oh-well type of person. I’ve never had a large group…

  • To Have Another Baby…

    or to not have another baby… this is the question. The problem is that there is no “right” answer. My husband and I agreed that we wanted to be done having kids by the time we were 40. We also agreed that we wanted to have four children. The pros and cons for the argument seem to be evenly weighted on both sides… and my opinion is smack in the middle of it. With potty training proving to be kind of a nightmare… One day my hubby said, “And you wanna go through this whole diaper thing again?” But a few days after that he said, “Well, I’m thinking another…

  • Potty Training

    Two words that make me cringe. Two words that will be the death of me. My daughter was a piece of cake. At 18 months, she started potty training herself so there was barely any effort on my part. At that time, I didn’t understand the struggles other moms would talk about, I didn’t get what was so difficult about it. Enter my son. At three and a half years old, he has successfully resisted every tactic I’ve tried and I just want to give up. Tactic #1 We started with a reward system. Bought him a new dinosaur that he could open if he went on the potty “like…