Big Sister's thoughts...

My Mama Taught Me

I love to bake, like absolutely love it! My mama taught me all my baking skills and I loved being in the kitchen with her. Any time there is an “excuse” to bake (like we ever really need on right!?), I always offer. There are a handful of things I haven’t made though because Mom has perfected them. Why even try when her’s turn out perfectly? Cheesecakes, stuffed frech toast, candies, angel food cake… The list goes on.

This morning I tackled Angel Food Cake from scratch. Growing up, there was rarely a box mix for anything baked in our house. So of course, for this special day, this cake HAS to be from scratch! Mom gave me her tried-and-true recipe (from a book probably older than I am) and I got all my ingredients together. Did you know that Angel Food Cake uses TWELVE eggs?! But not the whole egg, you have to seperate all twelve of them and NOT break the yolk into the whites. I gotta admit, it is super intimidated to be walking in my mom’s shoes with one of her recipes.

tru confessions my mama taught me
It had the perfect cracks in the crust!
tru confessions my mama taught me
Turning it upside dowl to cool was SCARY!

Today is my mom’s birthday… 70 years young!

As I reflected on what to write in her completely blank card, I was at a loss for words. There are SO.MANY.THINGS. that my mama taught me. There are so many things I am grateful for. There are so many things to be said that I just didn’t know where to start. She is in excellent health, but as the years fly by, I know I won’t have my parents here with me forever.

Have I said said everything that I’ve wanted to say? What will I regret when she is gone? Does she know how much I appreciate her?
The tears come as I stare at this stark white little card in front of me.

I don’t think I could do this things called “LIFE” without her. She has given me very big shoes to fill as a mother, a wife, a Godly woman (though her feet are a tad smaller than mine!) and I thank God for giving me such a strong role model.

The cake turned out perfect! “Just like Mom’s!” one might say. And I’m so happy to be able to celebrate another year with her.

tru confessions my mama taught me

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