Big Sister's thoughts...

What Did You Just Say?

The smallest sentence with just six words… Completely turned (my otherwise great) morning upside down. A decision in my past was thrown in my face in a somewhat joking manner. But it came from the person I trust most in this life… and it ruined the moment. It was uncalled for, it was hurtful… And I gave in to every dark thought that swirled around my head after it was spoken. Guilt, shame, not being trusted, not measuring up, anger, resentment… All things I’ve dealt with. All things I’ve worked through years ago. And here they were greeting me with a great big, open handed slap to the face… before I had even gotten out of bed or brushed my teeth or had my coffee or seen my kids. Mornings like this suck. Conversations like this knock me off my “let’s own this day!” attitude that I started with this morning. 

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue…” It’s not just something that makes you pause and reflect on what you’re saying for a few minutes… It is a powerful message that we all need to take to heart. Six words ruined my morning and sent me ten years back into my past to drudge through the sludge and muck that I had (long ago) shaken off. Think about what you say before you say it. Choose to bring life to people with your words.

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